Inspiring measures

As an employer, you should always take account of the legal stipulations around pregnancy, fatherhood, parenthood, (co-)motherhood and, more generally, the work-life balance. The most important of these are discussed in the checklists. In addition, there is a range of measures and good practices that you can introduce as an employer to make your company family and gender-friendly and improve the work-life balance.

On this page, you will find a non-exhaustive summary of potential measures. When reading these measures, it is always important to keep in mind that they work best when part of a general policy on family and gender-friendly business. It is recommended to consult employees and involve them in the development of measures in order to meet their needs as far as possible.

The measures and good practices have been grouped into 5 areas:

There are a great many different measures or actions to make work more flexible, such as flexible shift rotas, self-rotas, working from home or job-sharing.

You can look to introduce (additional) leave and alternative remuneration systems, such as career saving, flexible remuneration, extending circumstantial leave or social leave.

New technologies make it possible to reach your employees quickly and continuously, but also involve a risk that the line between work and private life is blurred. Taking advantage of disconnection is one way to guard against this.

As an employer, you can provide a range of care or household services, such as childcare or an ironing or shopping service.

Informing yourself about supportive measures and legal regulations, and communicating about these with your employees, as well as taking the time to share your knowledge and advice, are important actions for arriving at a successful family and gender-friendly policy.